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In the dynamic landscape of modern enterprises, the significance of data goes beyond mere reporting and analytics. Real-time data utilization for ongoing operations, often referred to as operational or transactional workloads, is a vital but often overlooked aspect. 

This comprehensive handbook delves into the intricacies of operational and analytical workloads, shedding light on their distinctive features, architectures, and the software solutions that power them.

CIOs, data engineers, and data architects - in this handbook you will find a wealth of knowledge to guide you in optimizing your operational and analytical data stacks. From the characteristics defining workloads to the architectures and solutions propelling them forward, this guide aims to empower decision-makers in the realm of enterprise data architecture. 

Dive into the world of modern data architecture, where real-time processing, structured data, and cutting-edge technologies converge to reshape the way we approach data in the digital age.

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