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Data Mesh Handbook

Data Mesh design is an architecture that envisions a decentralized approach to data management, where functional teams are responsible and accountable for their data domains.

The need for a data mesh approach is the result of rapid digitization and modernization in the IT environment over the past 2-3 years, driven by the COVID Pandemic and rapid cloud adoption. Most enterprise systems reside both in public and private clouds – as well as on-premises. This has resulted in complex data environments and data silos that are preventing efficient utilization of data

Ultimately modern services rely on data. The goal of Data Mesh architecture is to simplify the data stack and break down data silos. It aims to enable easier and simpler consumption of data, as well as data sharing among business lines, functional teams, and applications.

Download this compact Data Mesh Handbook, which gives a short introduction to Data Mesh architecture and covers the following topics:

  • The forces driving the need for a data mesh design
  • The key elements of a data mesh
  • Technology solutions that enable data mesh design
  • The difference between a data mesh and a data fabric

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